Dry Eye

Woman rubbing her eyes in pain

Dry eye disease is a chronic ocular surface condition that is caused by an insufficient amount of quality tears on the eyes. People with dry eye disease often complain about watery, burning, gritty, or sandy eyes. Some may even complain of blurry vision that often improves with blinking. Chronic deficiency in tears can cause the front surface of the eye to become irregular, which may cause fluctuating vision changes. Our doctor’s will offer an individualized treatment plan to ensure symptom relief and proper maintenance of the ocular surface.

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?


Dry eye syndrome is the general name for a group of conditions resulting in inadequate lubrication of the eye; either from insufficient tear production, poor quality tear film, or rapid drainage of the tears from the eye. The layer of tears that covers the surface of the eye is called the tear film, and is made up of three layers: a mucin layer, which ensures smooth coating over the surface of the cornea; an aqueous (watery) layer, which makes up the bulk of the tear volume; and a lipid (oily) layer that slows evaporation of the tears and creates a smooth exterior surface for clear vision.

What Causes Dry Eye Syndrome?

There are a number of different causes of dry eye syndrome, and many patients with the condition have more than one contributing factor.

Inadequate tear production, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is due to decreased function of the lacrimal gland and can be associated with immune dysfunction, connective tissue disease, or thyroid disease. Hormone changes, especially those associated with pregnancy or menopause may result in dry eye. Poor quality tear film results in increased evaporation of the tears and is often associated with blepharitis or meibomitis, inflammatory conditions of the eyelid and associated oil glands. Symptoms of dry eye may also arise if the eyelid is not properly positioned against the eye.

What Are the Symptoms of Dry Eye?

Dry eyes may feel gritty or sandy. Patients with dry eye syndrome may actually experience watery, teary eyes. This is because the poor quality of the tear film causes the cornea to send a signal to the lacrimal gland, resulting in the production of the watery layer of the tear film. Patients may also experience a quick sharp stinging sensation, or burning. Some patients with severe dry eye have increased sensitivity to light.

Dry Eye Treatments

Treatment of dry eye syndrome is dependent upon the underlying cause of the dry eye. The first line of treatment is the use of artificial tears to supplement the natural tear film. If there is blepharitis or meibomitis associated with your dry eye, your doctor may instruct you to use warm compresses and lid hygiene techniques. Prescription eye drops may be used in some cases of inadequate tear production to stimulate the lacrimal gland to produce more tears. In cases of excessive drainage of tears, punctal plugs are used to partially block this flow. Nutritional supplements may also be recommended.

Oasis Tears

Oasis TEARS Lubricant Eye Drops lubricate, moisten and relieve delicate eye tissue from irritation and dryness. Oasis TEARS is a true solution that keeps tears on the eye surface to relieve the irritation, gritty, sticky-lid sensation that is commonly experienced with dry eye.

Box of Oasis Tears Plus contact lenses

Hydrating Mask

Your ideal partner for relieving dry, sore, tired and gritty eyes.

Heat the Eye Doctor Plus compress to release the optimum temperature for an effective treatment. Place heated compress on closed eyes and help relax away a variety of conditions.

A clinically proven treatment for MGD, Blepharitis, Dry Eye Disease and the associated symptoms, grittiness, irritation and sore eyes.

Eye compression system

Avenova Spray

Avenova® is an Rx Only, spray solution containing pure hypochlorous acid (0.01%) as a preservative.

In laboratory studies, Avenova™ demonstrates:

  • Fast antimicrobial time-kill
  • Fast anti-biofilm activity
  • Fast anti-toxin activity

Gentle, refreshing, and soothing for everyday eyelid and eyelash hygiene. Available in a 20 mL glass bottle with a fine mist spray pump included.

Bottle of Avenova
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